National Domestic
Violence Foundation
+ Branding
+ Strategy
+ Stationery
+ Social Media Templates
+ Marketing Material
Domestic violence doesn't discriminate. It can affect anyone, regardless of gender, race, age, or background. I've been absolutely honoured to be involved with this project with Mitchell from the National Domestic Violence Foundation.
Empowering individuals, saving lives: the National Domestic Violence Foundation is committed to ending domestic violence and providing comprehensive support to survivors, one person at a time. We aimed to show this through the use of a strong brand story, a bold yet playful colour palette and engaging images that focus on care, education and hope.
The Icon needed to represent the core idea behind NDVF, which is hope and being set free from domestic violence. The visual needed to be warm, safe and completely non-threatening.
basics 101
for entreprenuers
Be confident with your brand and understand how to use it in a way to impress. Learn about your brand voice + values and how they impact your marketing. Use your brand like a PRO with timely tips and hints to help you stay focused and on track!
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