Cornerstone Learning
+ Logo
+ Marketing Material
+ Print
+ Signage
The Automation Girl had a very specific look in mind for her new venture. Having worked with SJ on many previous jobs, we were able to nut out a clear look and colour palette to go with her existing logo. This would not only distinguish her brand online, but the distinct colour palette was also far removed from her other existing businesses. Making a separation of entities much easier.
Time is money and the imagery used reflects what you gain back when having a more automated business. We worked to create a relaxed feel with a hint of holiday freedom.
Having to present her business often at workshops and online presentations, we created a Powerpoint template that blended seamlessly with her marketing material and online presence. A pull-up banner served as signage on stage and also a backdrop for her online webinars.
basics 101
for entreprenuers
Be confident with your brand and understand how to use it in a way to impress. Learn about your brand voice + values and how they impact your marketing. Use your brand like a PRO with timely tips and hints to help you stay focused and on track!
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